Data Collection and Usage

By submitting to this project you give Trans State Watch permission to store your personal data for up to 3 months. Under GDPR guidelines, the data will be encrypted and stored in a secure database system, and we will only store data that is relevant to our project. This will be: your gender as outlined in the submission guidelines; the state actor involved in the incident; the region of the UK it occurred in; the month and year the incident occurred. This information will help us to develop a picture of how trans* people interact with state actors, the prevalence of these interactions and the distribution across the country over time. We will not store any sensitive information that may reveal your identity. 

Under GDPR guidelines, you have the right to access, change or erase your data from our database at any time, and we will comply with your request within 24 hours.  The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) provides a detailed breakdown of your rights on their website. If we wish to discuss your submission in public (social media, blog post) we will contact you to ask your permission first, and will ensure that any personal information will be anonymised to protect your identity.

We strongly encourage and welcome any questions, as well as advice, on our approach. To get in touch email with "Data Collection" in the subject line.

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